Moringa oleifera, Shojne / Munagakaya / Shenano / Shevaga / Nuggekai / Malunggáy

Malungay flowers (left) and leaves (right)

Malungai is a small tree growing as high as 9 meters, with a soft and white wood and corky and gummy bark. Moringa oleifera, the word Moringa probably came from dravidian language Tamil and commonly referred to as "Shojne" in Bengali, "Munagakaya" in Telugu, "Shenano" in Rajasthani, "Shevaga" in Marathi, "Nuggekai" in Kannada, "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungakai, Malayalam: Muringa, Konkani: Mashinga sanga), and Malunggáy in Filipino, is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses.

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : antibiotic, antitrypanosomal, hypotensive, antispasmodic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic activities

Malunggay C500 mg. Capule: Take 1-2 capsules 3x a day or more as desired for children and adults as there is no overdose.
Moringana Capsules dosage: Children- Eight (8) months to one (1) year weaning to solid food 1 capsule a day - open capsule & mix contents with baby food
Seven (7) years old and above (able to swallow capsule)
1 to 2 capsules a day
Adult - 2 capsules a day
Pregnant & Lactating women - 1 to 2 capsules a day
Late night workers - 3 capsules a day
Persons with illness - 3 to 5 capsules a day (therapeutic
dosage, with doctor consultation)

Momordica Charantia, Bitter Melon/Bitter Gourd

Ampalaya flowers and leaves (top) and fruit vegetable (bottom)

Momordica Charantia is also known as Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, or Ampalaya

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : Antihelmintic, Antimalarial, Antiviral, Cardioprotective, antidiabetic, Anticancer

The recommended dosage is one small, unripe, raw melon or about 50 ml of fresh juice, each taken in 2 or 3 doses over the course of the day. Because Bitter Melon’s taste is so bitter, herbalists recommend you hold your nose and take a 2 oz shot. A tincture formulation may be easier to swallow. For best results, read and follow product label directions

Psidium Guajava, Guava Herbal

Photo of Guava fruit and leaves
A Medical Research Laboratory results showed that apple guava leaves extracts or bark are implicated in therapeutic mechanisms against cancer, bacterial infections, inflammation and pain.

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : Antiamebic, Antibiotic, Antidiarrheic, Antihyperglycemic, Antimutagenic, antispasmodic

For diarrhea and control stomach parasites:
Gather fresh Guava leaves,
Boil chopped pieces of about 4 to 6 tablespoon for every 18 ounces of water.
Strain and let cool.
Drink ¼ cup of decoction every 3-4 hours until symptoms improve.
Bayabas Side Effects
Eating too much of Bayabas fruit can cause constipation.

Fenofibrate, Fenorate 200mg Capsule

Product shot of Fenorate 200mg Capsule

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : Antihyperlipidemic Agent
STRENGTH : 200 mg capsule
SIZE : Box of 100s

Each hard gelatin capsule contains Fenofibrate BP 200mg, Excipients – q.s.

Hypercholesterolaemia (type IIa) and endogenous hypertriglyceridaemia in adults, isolated (type IV) or Associated (Type IIb and III): - When an appropriate and assiduous diet has been followed but has not been sufficient, - Especially when the cholesterolaemia remains elevated after the diet, and/or When there are associated risk factors. It is always essential to continue the diet. Currently, there are no long-term controlled trials showing the efficacy of fenofibrate in the primary or secondary prevention of the omplications of atheorosclerosis.

Celecoxib, Coxiv 200mg Capsule

Product shot of Coxiv 200mg Capsule

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : COx-2 Selective Inhibitor
STRENGTH : 200 mf Capsule
SIZE : Box of 100s

Each hard gelatin capsule contains 200mg of Celecoxib.

COXIV (Celecoxib) is indicated for relief of symptoms associated with:
Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis, and
Ankylosing Spondylitis. COXIV (celecoxib) is also indicated for the short-term management of moderate to severe acute pain in adults in conditions such as of the following (
musculoskeletal and/or soft tissue trauma including spains.
postoperative orthopaedic, and
pain following dental extraction.

Azithromycin dihydrate, Azoric 500mg Cap

Product shot of Azoric 500mg Cap

STRENGTH : 500 mg Capsule
SIZE : Blister of 3 x 30

Each capsule contains 500mg of Azithromycin

Lower respiratory tract infections
Upper respiratory tract infections
Skin/skin structure infections furunculosis, pyoderma and impetigo due to Stapylococcus aureus, S. pyogenes or S. agalactiae
Sexually transmitted disease due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis.

Betahistine dihydrochloride, Vertine 16mg Tab

Product shot of Vertine 16mg Tab

THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY : Anti-Vertigo / Anti-dizziness
STRENGTH : 16 mg uncoated Tablet
SIZE : Box of 100s

White to off white colored circular flat uncoated beveled edged tablets having breakline on one side and other side is plain containing 16 mg betahistine dihycdrochloride.

Meniere’sDisease, Miniere’s Like syndrome 9with symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and sensorineural deafness) and vertigo of peripheral origin. Symptomatic treatment of vertigo of peripheral origin.